What a brilliant piece of work by the anti-Israel PR machine,
demonize Israel and the media loves it.
As I watched the AP (they used to be press associated with news, now views)
report on the “Palestinian Freedom Riders” tweeted around the world.
I could only think of the talk by Professor Robert Wistrich,
Head of the Vidal Sassoon International Center for the Study of Antisemitism
at Hebrew University in Jerusalem.
The claim that Israel is “stealing of indigenous people’s land
by the colonial whites” is becoming respectable.
The liberal center and moderate left in Britain find it
“legitimate to be anti-Israel” using this narrative.
What could be better than a comparison to the Old South in the US
and the non-violent resistance of black public bus passengers.
One photo of the ‘orchestrated arrest’ was used by Newsday for an item,
“Gaza Militants fire rockets after Israeli threat,”
so much for a balanced report of
a Gazan missile hit on an Israeli kindergarten building.
One of the best views of the Old City
and Jerusalem is from the Tayalet.
On the tayalet, by the Sherover Promenade, at the Haas Promenade
at the time “Freedom Riders” were starting out,
two Muslim men were praying,
facing to Mecca with their back sides to the Old City and Jerusalem.
So many photographers were occupied “capturing” the bus publicity stunt,
they once again missed seeing
what is really happening on the Jerusalem streets.